International Taekwon-Do Federation

Sogi (Stance)

Moa Sogi (Close Stance) – Stand with the feet together.

Charyot Sogi (Attention Stance) – This is an attention position used before and after the class. Feet form a 45 degrees angle.

Kyong Ye Jase (Bowing Posture) – Bend the body 15 degrees forward. Keep eyes fixed on opponent’s eyes.

Narani Sogi (Parallel Stance) – Spread the feet parallel to shoulder width. Keep the toes pointing towards the front.

An Palja Sogi (Inner Open Stance) – Keep the toes pointing slightly inward.

Bakat Palja Sogi (Outer Open Stance) – Keep the toes pointing outward about 45 degrees.

Gunnun Sogi (Walking Stance) – Distance of 1.5 shoulder width between big toes and 1 shoulder width from center of the instep to the other. Bend the front leg until the knee cap forms a vertical line with the heel, extending the opposite leg fully. Distribute body weight evenly. Keep front toes pointing forward and rear toes 25 degrees outward.

Nachuo Sogi (Low Stance) – It is similar to Gunnun Sogi, though longer by 1 foot.

Niunja Sogi (L-Stance) – Distance of 1.5 shoulder width from the rear footsword to the front toes. Toes of both feet pointing 15 degrees inward. Bend the rear leg until the knee cap forms a vertical line with the toes, bending the front leg proportionally. Body weight ratio is 70% in rear leg and 30% in front leg.

Gojung Sogi (Fixed Stance) -Similar to Niunja Sogi, but body weight is distributed evenly. Distance between the feet is 1.5 shoulder width.

Annun Sogi (Sitting Stance) – Distance of 1.5 shoulder width between big toes. Point toes to the front and distribute body weight evenly. Extend the knees outward, bending until the knee caps come over the ball of the feet

Sasun Sogi (Diagonal Stance) – Similar to Annun Sogi, except that the heel of the front foot is placed on the same line with the toes of the rear foot.

Oguryo Sogi (Crouched Stance) –  This is a variation of Sasun Sogi, bending the knees inward. Distance between feet is flexible.

Kyocha Sogi (X Stance) – Cross one foot over or behind the other, touching the ground slightly with the ball of the foot. Place the body weight on the stationary foot.

Waebal Sogi (One-Leg Stance) – Stretch the stationary leg and bring the other reverse footsword on the knee joint.

Guburyo Sogi (Bending Stance) – This serves as a preparatory stance for side and back kicks, thought it is frequently used for defense techniques.

Soojik Sogi (Vertical Stance) – Distance of 1 shoulder width between big toes. Body weight ratio is 60% on the rear leg and 40% on the front leg. Keep toes of both feet pointing 15 degrees inward and legs straight.

Dwitbal Sogi (Rear Foot Stance) – Dsitance of 1 shoulder width between small toes. Bend the rear leg until the knee comes over the toes, placing the heel slightly beyond the heel of the front foot. Bend the front leg, touching the ground slightly with the ball of the foot. Front toes pointing 25 degrees inward and rear toes pointing 15 degrees inward. Distribute most of the body weight on the rear foot.