Kumogakure-Ryu Ninpo
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Kumogakure-Ryu Ninpo (Hiding in the Clouds School of Perseverance)

It was founded in the mid 1500’s by Iga Heinaizaemon No Jo Ienaga who was said to have changed his name to Kumogakure Hoshi. It may have originated as a school of thought based on non-violence. It is said that the phrase “Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo” comes from this ryu-ha and reflects both Buddhist and Shinto attitudes. It is known for its Tobi (jumping techniques) and Kamayari (sickled spear). The Kamayari and another special weapon, Ippon Sugi Noburi (a 25cm long metal tube with three spikes, and a long chain with hooks at its ends through it) were used for combat and for climbing, often on ships. This ryu-ha is famous for its Demon Masks that were worn to foment the myth surrounding ninjas and scare the enemy. A technique rarely, if ever seen, in other systems was Kikakuken or demon horn strike (headbutt). When going into battle, ninja of this ryu- ha wore armored sleeves to protect themselves. Kumogakure-Ryu Ninpo also taught various survival techniques, such as making fire in wet weather.