Togakure-Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Togakure-Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu (Hidden Door School Way of Perseverance Body Techniques)

Due to the nature of this ryu-ha, and it’s age, it’s very difficult to discern legend from fact with the history of this ryu-ha. The name comes from the official founder of the art, a Samurai by the name of Daisuke Nishina, who was born in the village of Togakure (present day Togakushi) in current day Nagano prefecture. Nishina was a member of the Genji Clan. The Genji clan staged a revolt to the then in-power Heiki (Taira) Clan. Unfortunately, the Genji clan was defeated and were driven out of Togakure. Nishina ended up fleeing to Iga where he changed his name to Togakure to reflect his home village. Iga was a bit of a “melting-pot”, home to defeated warriors, exiles, and bandits. It was here that Nishina met Kain Doshi, a politically exiled warrior-monk from China. With Kain, Nishina learned an alternate perspective on warriorship, one that didn’t involve the Samurai code (bushido), as well as alternate methods of combat. From this, Togakure-Ryu style of Shinobi-jutsu was born. Most of the techniques of Togakure-Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu are focused on escape; the techniques are meant to momentarily incapacitate the opponent long enough to allow the practitioner to escape and/or hide. It also relies heavy upon specific tools and/or weapons, such as blinding powder (me-tsubishi). The foot work, particularly in the Zan To Tonko no Kata, heavily utilizes cross-stepping (yoko aruki) in their pattern of movements. This is somewhat different than the cross-stepping utilized in Koto-Ryu Koppojutsu movements, and is more exaggerated for use in changing direction quickly.

Sanpo Hiden (Three Secrets)

  • Senban Shuriken  Throwing star
  • Tekadi/Shuko and Ashiko  Claw hand and claw foot
  • Shinodake/Shindake  Bamboo stick used to breathe underwater

Kamae (Postures)

Ichimonji no Kamae (One Character Posture)

Ichimonji no Kamae (One Character Posture) – The hand is not quite as outstretched as Bobi no Kamae, and the fingers point at the opposite shoulder, blading the arm to the opponent. The fist is tucked behind and concealed the lead hand elbow. The name is derived from it’s resemblance to the character “ichi” as it is written in Japanese.

Doko no Kamae (Angry Tiger Posture)

Doko no Kamae (Angry Tiger Posture) – It’s almost the same as Ichimonji no Kamae, except that the rear fist is raised straight up from the shoulder such that the bottom of the fist is at the same level as the top of the head. Alternatively, the rear hand can be held on the opposite side of the head, depending on the subsequent attack.

Tonso no Kamae (Fly Posture)

Tonso no Kamae (Escaping Posture) – It’s similar to Ichimonji no Kamae, except that the lead hand is placed inside the gi, in readiness to throw a Metsubushi or Shuriken, and the back hand is either supporting the lead hand or kept on the sword.

Happo Gakure no Kamae (All Sides Concealing Posture)

Happo Gakure no Kamae (All Sides Concealing Posture) – IT’s similar to Hoko no Kamae. The arms are raised over the head with a slight bend in the elbows. The body should be in a forty-five degrees angle with the head looking forward.

Hachimonji no Kamae (Eight Character Posture)

Hachimonji no Kamae (Eight Character Posture) – It’s similar to Ichimonji no Kamae, except that the posture is slightly higher. Back, neck and head should be straight. The elad hand points to the opponent’s eyes and the back hand is raised vertically above the head with the elbow unlocked, forming a loose fist.

Zan To Tonko no Kata (Escaping Mouse Forms)

  • Kata Ude Tonso no Kata  One hand escape form
  • Sayu Tonso no Kata  Double sided escape form
  • Kibisugi Tonso no Kata  Rear escape form
  • Atekomi Tonso no Kata  Attacking escape form
  • Kote Uchi Tonso no Kata  Striking arm escape form
  • Migi Uchi Tonso no Kata  Right side attack escape form
  • Sayu Kumogakure no Kata  Double sided cloud hiding form
  • Kosei Kirigakure No Kata  Offensive fog hiding form
  • Happo Kirigakure No Kata  Eight ways fog hiding form

Hiden Gata (Secret Forms)

  • Chu Gaeshi  Middle counter
  • Tobi Gaeshi  Leaping counter
  • Yoko Gaeshi  Side counter
  • Kiri Gaeshi  Cut counter

Shuko Ukemi Gata (Claw Hand Receiving Body Forms)

  • Kaeshi Dori  Counter capture
  • Ken Nagare  First flow
  • Ichi no Kamae  One posture
  • Itto Dori  One blade capture
  • Yoko Giri  Side cut
  • Itto Giri  One blade cut

Shinobi Gaeshi Gata (Shinobi Counter Forms)

  • Shige Gata  Nesting form
  • Shige Tori  Nesting capture
  • Yoko Nagare  Side flow
  • Ushiro Nagare  Back flow

Biken Jutsu (Secret Sword Techniques)

Kamae (Postures)

Ichi no Kamae (First Posture)
Gedan no Kamae (Lower Level Posture)
Chudan no Kamae (Middle Level Posture)
Kasumi no Kamae (Mist Posture)
Seigan no Kamae (True Eye Posture)
To Sui no Kamae (Ridge Water Posture)
Hasso no Kamae (Eight Aspects Posture)
Toutoku Hyoshi no Kamae (Shielding Ballista Posture)
  • Hi Ryu no Ken  Flying dragon sword
  • Kasumi no Ken  Haze sword
  • Muso no Ken  No thought sword
  • Dato no Ken  Striking an oak sword
  • Itto Nage
  • Itto Giri
  • Issen Ken
  • Raiko Ken  Lightening sword
  • Metsubishi  Blinding powder
  • Kage no Itto
  • Kiri Kaeshi
  • Katate Nuki
  • Iai Mai Ai/Shinobi Iai
  • Te no Uchi
  • Sageo no Kata
  • Tai Wari Itto
  • Sutemi
  • Nuku